Choose Your Savings

Crownline 270 CRFinseeker-230-cc-running-06
Crownline 270 CRFinseeker 230 CC

"Choose Your Savings" with C.A.S. Power Marine Ltd! 

Select from one of three promotional packages for your new Crownline or Finseeker Boat:

  1. 4.99% Promotional Financing*
  2. Two-Year Complete Service/Maintenance Package (Includes annual winterizing and storage!)
  3. Seven-Year Factory Engine Warranty AND Vantage Diamond Coat Protection

These promotions are in addition to special pricing for Crownline and Finseeker boats!


Pick from one of these in-stock and ready to go boats:



Suzuki Outboard Specials:

  • DF2.5s - $1049 (Save $172)
  • DF6ASW - $1799 (Save $340)
  • DF15ASW - $2999 (Save $811) - **This is a 15hp for the same price as a 9.9! A free 33% HP upgrade!**
  • DF40ATL - $6999 (Save $1982)
  • DF300BTXW - $29,999 (Save $10,923)

Suzumar Inflatable Specials:
